Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What We're Looking For

Namely ... YOU!

We want your expertise, your ideas, hints, tips, tricks, house rules, anything that would enhance the overall enjoyment of the La Bataille series!!

Initially, we want folks who can explain things in non-rulebook terms.  I played ASL for a long time, and I learned more from the people who explained a three-paragraph rule with easy-to-understand and remember wordings.  Heck, the last time I played La Bataille, my partner told me how to play the game as we went along ... and I've never had a nine-hour gaming session fly by like that one.

That's what we want to do here ... explain the rules of La Bataille as written in latest versions of both the Regs and the Marie-Louise rules as found on the website.  These are the Terry Doherty versions of these rule sets.

The goal here is for you, the reader, to come away with a clearer understanding of how the rules work, not just in the "vacuum" of each individual rule, but how the rules work together so that you can have a cavalry charge against units already being assaulted or whatever goofy rules conundrum you can conceive.

For example, I keep tripping over the command rules.  Not that I don't understand them; I simply keep forgetting to keep my units in command until I'm so knee-deep into a turn that I can't really go back and play the game correctly.  Someone with lots of solitaire experience could author a piece about how you check and maintain in-command status when you don't have an opponent to help you or to remind you.

This is a labor of love from those who author articles here.


Welcome to the La Bataille Series: Learning The Ropes ... a blog where I hope to corral some of the best and brightest players of the La Bataille series of tactical Napoleonic games to stop by and help everyone learn the rules with easy-to-understand language, examples, and much more.